Search result 22 of 40

The Bibliotheca Thysiana in Leiden

Biemans, Jos A.A.M. (fotograaf/photographer)
year: ca. 1990

type: dia
detail: nee
related terms: geleerdenbibliotheken bibliotheekgebouwen
period: 17e eeuw
J: Bibliotheken en instellingen

contents: The Bibliotheca Thysiana, built in 1655 after a design by Arent van `s-Gravensande is situated at the corner of Rapenburg and Groenhazengracht in Leiden. This library is the only 17th-century library in the Netherlands which has been preserved in its original housing and carries the name of its founder: Johan Thys (or Thysius), who was born in 1622 and died, only 31 years old. Thysius's library gives a good impression of what kind of books a well-to-do and educated 17th-century person read. In his last will and testament he had stipulated that part of his capital was to be used for the building of a library and the maintenance of his collection 'for the public service of study'.

©description: Dr Jos A A M Biemans, Leiden
©reproduction: Dr Jos A A M Biemans, Leiden



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