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C.S. Flament, "Catalogus van de boeken der Nationale Bibliotheek", 1800

Flament, Charles Sulpice (auteur/author)
year: 1800

type: titelblad
title page
detail: nee
dimensions: 23 x 12,4 cm.
related terms: bibliotheekcatalogi nationale bibliotheken titelpagina's
period: 19e eeuw
J: Bibliotheken en instellingen

contents: Catalogue composed by the first librarian of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Charles Sulpice Flament. In 1798 the Representatives of the people of the Batavian Republic had decided to form the old library of the stadholders into national library. William V owned at the end of the 18th century only part of the original collection of books and even from this collection books were robbed by the French occupying power. The catalogue with a total of 6,566 entries is preceded by regulations 'for the use of the national library' and an instruction 'for the custodian'. Under Louis Napoleon the Library received the predicate 'Koninklijk' (Royal).

source: Flament, Charles Sulpice. - Catalogus van de boeken der Nationale Bibliotheek. - Den Haag: 's Lands Drukkerye, 1800, titelblad.
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag LHO OD.A 21NL GRA 10

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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