Search result 43 of 162

The month of March in an Amsterdam office almanac, 1671

Zaagman, Gillis Joosten (auteur/author)
Kemp, Mattheus (drukker/printer)
year: 1671

type: tekstbladzijde handschrift
page manuscript
technique: handschrift
detail: nee
dimensions: 19,6 x 31 cm.
related terms: almanakken kalenders gebruikerssporen
period: 17e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst
M0: Algemene werken: encyclopedieën, almanakken

contents: Office almanacs, primarily used by merchants and retailers, had blanc spaces for writing notes and were therefore the predecessors of the modern diaries. Nevertheless, most notes in the almanacs that have survived seem to have been made by chance or at random. There is by no means a relationship with the calendar. In the almanac shown here from the wine seller Isaak Pool notes have been made for March 1671 relating to a death in March 1674. The period of use of an almanac was therefore longer than just one year.

source: Zaagman, Gillis Joosten : Groote comptoir almanach op't iaer ons Heeren Iesu Christi, M.DC.LXXI. Na de nieuwe- en oude-stijl. Amsterdam, Mattheus Kemp, knecht van 't wijn-koopers gildt, 1671, februari.
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 122 D 4:1671

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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