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Faliede Bagijnkerk in Leiden, c. 1732

Rademaker, Abraham (illustrator)
Rademaker, Abraham (graveur/engraver)
Schenk, Leonardus (uitgever/publisher)
year: [1732]

type: prent
detail: nee
dimensions: 14,5 x 19 cm.
related terms: universiteitsbibliotheken bibliotheekgebouwen
period: 18e eeuw
J: Bibliotheken en instellingen

contents: As early as the 16th century the Leiden University Library received the disposal of the church building of the Faliede Bagijnhof on Rapenburg. On the first floor, room was made free for the Theatrum Anatomicum and the library of the university. Between 1593 and 1819-1822, when the church was radically rebuilt, the library was housed there, but also later, as long as the library was on Rapenburg (until 1983), the former Faliede Bagijnkerk was part of the University Library complex.

source: Schenk, Abraham. - Rhynlands fraaiste gezichten : vertoonende alle deszelfs lustplaatzen, heerenhuizen en dorpen / van Halfwegen Haarlem en Leyden af;....; tot Leyderdorp toe; vertoont in honderd afbeeldingen, naar 't leeven getekend, en in 't ligt gebracht door Abraham Rademaker; met een gedicht, daarop toepaslijk, verciert. - Amsterdam : Leonardus Schenk, 1732, ongepagineerd, pl. 87
©description: Dr Jos A A M Biemans Leiden
©reproduction: Leiden Universiteitsbibliotheek



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