Search result 62 of 252

Catalogue of the Buchmesse at Leipzig in 1595.

Gross, Henning (drukker/printer)
year: 1595

type: titelblad
title page
detail: nee
related terms: Leipziger Buchmesse boekenbeurzen messecatalogi titelpagina's
period: 16e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: This is the earliest catalogue of the Buchmesse in Leipzig, entitled: 'Catalogus novus omnium librorum, qui nundinis autumnalibus Francofurti ad Moenum et Lipsiae anno XCIIII. celebratis, noviter impreßi venales expositi fuerunt'. The catalogue lists the most important recently published works of the booksellers attending the fair. In 1595 there were 604 titles, not that much less than the 659 titles on offer at the Frankfurt fair.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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