Search result 92 of 252

A liturgical book produced in the Netherlands. The whole print-run was intended for an English customer: Salisbury cathedral.

Martens, Dirk (drukker/printer)
year: 1499

type: titelblad
title page
detail: nee
related terms: liturgieboeken incunabelen export (van boeken) titelpagina's
period: 15e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: The printer of this work, Dirk Martens van Aalst (c. 1446-1534) worked, during his long carreer, in Alost, Louvain and Antwerp. This book is printed between 1498 and 1501, when he had first set up a workshop in Louvain. He was the only printer there after the departure of Johan van Westfalen. Although Louvain had been a university town since 1425, Van Aalst produced mainly non-academic editions in the beginning such as this one from 1499. The commission was probably due to his fame as a printer of breviaries. In the following years, he printed several other publications intended exclusively for the English market.

source: Breviarium secundum usum ecclesie sarum. - Leuven: Dirk Martens, 1499.
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Antwerpen Museum Plantin Moretus


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