Search result 104 of 252

Banquet hall on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the KVB, Amsterdam, 1867

Binger, Gebr. (drukker/printer)
year: 1868

type: boek
detail: nee
dimensions: 19,7 x 26 cm.
related terms: boekenbedrijf boekhandel
period: 19e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: The 50th anniversary of the 'Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels' (Dutch Book Trade Association), the present KVB, was celebrated in the 'Paleis voor Volksvlijt' (Palace for National Industry) in Amsterdam. This plate in the memorial volume gives an idea of the 'decoration of the hall', which formed an 'excellent, well-considered whole' with the 'Banquet'. During dinner there were, of course, appropriate songs and speeches, there was the performance by the 'Typografen Zang-Vereeniging 'Voorzorg en Genoegen' (Forethought and Delight)', the Haarlem type-hero Laurens Coster showed himself on the spot 'alive in bronze', there was a dialogue between him and the chairman, and fireworks finished the 'glorious, joyful celebration'.

source: Gedenkboek der feestviering van het vijftigjarig bestaan der Vereeniging ter bevordering van de belangen des boekhandels, op 12, 13 en 14 augustus 1867 / uitgegeven door De Feestcommissie. - Amsterdam: Gebr. Binger, 1868, vóór de titelpagina
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 1485 A 71

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek


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