Search result 192 of 252

Samuel Luchtmans (1685-1757)

Mij, Hieronymus van der (schilder)
Reyers, Nicolaas (schilder)
Poptie, Anton (fotograaf)
year: 1748

type: schilderij
detail: nee
dimensions: 78 x 60,5 cm
related persons: Luchtmans, Samuel (I) Luchtmans Samuel (II)
related terms: boekdrukkers uitgevers
period: 18e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: From 1708, Samuel Luchtmans managed the printing company his father had established in 1683. Initially he did so as the representative of his mother, but after her death in 1710 he conducted the business independently. In 1730, Samuel was appointed town and university printer. He also held the rank of master of the guild several times. He substantially extended the company, built up a good reputation abroad with his publications and maintained contacts with scholars throughout Europe. Samuel was married to his niece Cornelia van Musschenbroek who gave him nine children. He was succeeded by his sons Samuel (II) and Johannes. Image left: Samuel Luchtmans (I) (Hieronymus van der Mij, 1748); image right: Samuel Luchtmans (II) (Nicolaas Reyers, 1755).

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Leiden Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal
Leiden Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal


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