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Title page with the device of the bookseller Johannes Hilarides of Dokkum, 1695

Hilarides, Johannes (drukker/printer)
year: 1695

type: titelblad
title page
technique: gravure
detail: nee
dimensions: 16,5 x 10 cm
related persons: Hilarides, Johannes
related terms: boekhandels uithangborden titelpagina's pamfletten
period: 17e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: Johannes Hilarides, bookseller in Dokkum, had a shop sign with a Bible on the front and a hand of playing cards on the back. When the people of Dokkum walked past the shop in the direction of the church, they saw the Bible. When they returned, they saw the playing cards. When this was objected to, Hilarides defended himself by saying that he sold both Bibles and playing cards. In order to calm things down he hung a cloth over the hand of cards which, however, blew aside in the slightest wind. In the illustration on the title page of this pamphlet from 1695 about the affair, the `cloth' can be opened and closed by way of a strip of paper.

source: Hilarides, Johannes. - Uithangbord als burger en boekverkoper in de Hoochstraat te Dokkom, alwaar het caartspel en ergernissen beide ten toon staan. - Dokkum: Johannes Hilarides, 1695, titelplaat. [Bijvoegsel bij: Hilarides, Johannes. - Phaedri Fabulae Æsopiæ : quas e Latine in Belgicum metrum convertat [...]. - Dokkom: Joh. Hilarides, 1695, t.o.p. 168].
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 2105 A 123

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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