Search result 86 of 252

"De weergaloze bedrieger ontmaskerd , of de valsche boekhandelaar in zyn aard and wezen ontdekt", c. 1727

year: ca. 1727

type: titelblad
title page
detail: nee
dimensions: 16,5 x 9,3 cm.
related terms: boekhandelaars titelpagina's
period: 18e eeuw
G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij

contents: Title page of an 18th-century comedy about an 'unparalleled fraud' by a bookseller. It was probably never performed, because the text does not seem to be meant for that. It says in the imprint that this comedy was printed 'in the town of Craftiness, at the corner of the Lust of Gain Lane, across the Haystack of thievery, where deceit is written in the façade and Falsehood on the sign'. Insiders were probably perfectly aware which address was meant here.

source: De weergadeloze bedrieger ontmaskerd, of De valsche boekhandelaar in zyn aard en wezen ontdekt : blyspel, [s.l.], [1727], titelpagina
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Amsterdam Bibliotheek KVB Universiteitsbibliotheek UVA


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