Search result 83 of 196

Bookbinder's workshop in D. de Bray, "Onderwijs van 't Boek-Binden", 1658

Bray, Dirk de (auteur/author)
Bray, Dirk de (illustrator)
year: 1658

type: tekening
detail: nee
dimensions: 8,3 x 5,8 cm.
related terms: boekbinden leermiddelen splitselbanden
period: 17e eeuw
F: Bindkunst

contents: The figure on the right is engaged in making a Dutch, i.e. a vellum, binding for a text block that has already been bound. Soon he will put the vellum slips, on which the block has been sewn, through the slots in the fold. In the bookcase at the back are books that have already been bound and parcels of unbound gatherings. In the background a bookbinding press can be seen.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland
Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland



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