Search result 4 of 8

Reading poster, c. 1935

Boekholt, P.Th.F.M. (auteur/author)
Van Gorcum (uitgever/publisher)
year: 1987

type: illustratie
detail: nee
related terms: leesonderwijs leermiddelen
period: 20e eeuw
K: Maatschappelijke aspecten van boekproductie en -verspreiding
M3: Maatschappijwetenschappen

contents: This is reading plate no. 8 of the reading method `van kindertaal tot moedertaal' (from children's language to mother tongue), by Evers, Kuitert and Van der Velde. At the end of the 19th century learning to read by the phonetic method had become generally accepted. There were different methods, of which this is one.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Rotterdam Collectie Nationaal Schoolmuseum


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