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The rounding and `pinching' at Stokkink's electrische boekbinderij, c. 1930

Stokkink, J. (auteur/author)
year: 1930

type: illustratie
detail: nee
dimensions: 9 x 12, 5 cm.
related terms: binderijen boekbinden ruggen
period: 20e eeuw
F: Bindkunst

contents: Before mechanisation, to give a book a rounded spine it was beaten with a hammer, so-called 'round beating'. Here machines are doing this work. The book is laid on an iron table where a roller achieves the rounding through pressing. Once it has been rounded the next step is the forming of the 'pinch'. This is also done by machines.

source: Stokkink, J. - Vijftig jaren boekbinderij in Nederland. - Amsterdam, [Stokkinks boekbinderij], 1930, niet gepagineerd.
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag BAND BKBD 40CB STOK01

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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