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Paper cutter in D. de Bray, "Onderwijs van `t Boek-Binden", 1658

Bray, Dirk de (auteur/author)
Bray, Dirk de (illustrator)
year: 1658

type: tekening
detail: nee
dimensions: 7,3 x 9,5 cm.
related terms: boekbinden leermiddelen cirkelscharen
period: 17e eeuw
F: Bindkunst

contents: This picture shows the under side and the upper side of a paper cutter, an apparatus used for trimming the edges. It consists of a round knife that can be turned from a part that had become blunt to a part that was still sharp, in a holder that made it possible for the knife to cut into the text block at exactly the required depth.

source: Onderwijs van 't Boek-Binden door D. de Braaij, 1658, blad tussen folio 37 en 38.
©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland
Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland



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