Search result 12 of 41
The lithography workshop with manual presses at the Koninklijke boek- en steendrukkerij Corns. Immig & Son in Rotterdam, 1908 Smit, D. (auteur/author) Damme, J.J. (graveur/engraver) Corns. Immig & Zoon (uitgever/publisher) year: 1908 type: illustratie illustration detail: nee dimensions: 24 x 32 cm (hele pagina) related terms: lithografische bedrijven drukken period: 20e eeuw classification: D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst E: Boekillustratie contents: From the commemorative book: 'With lithography it is possible to reproduce not only drawings in black but it is also suitable for drawings and paintings in colour: yes, it is here that it has found its primary application.' For colour illustrations a separate stone had to be used for each colour whereby the colours were printed after one another. origineel: source: Smit, D. - Na vyf en dertig jaren : gedenkboek der Koninklyke Boek- en Steendrukkery, Boekbindery en Lichtdrukinrichtingen van Corns. Immig & Zoon Rotterdam, Amsterdam : 1873 - 15 September - 1908 / [door D. Smit. - Rotterdam: Corns. Immig & Zoon, 1908, niet gepagineerd. available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag LHO ZKW.A 42b NL IMMI ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek |