Search result 104 of 118
Two pages from the "Geïllustreerde Courant", 6 July 1844 Jonckbloet, W.J.A. (redacteur) Fuhri, K. (uitgever/publisher) Beijerinck, G.J.A. (uitgever/publisher) year: 1844 type: tekstbladzijde page detail: nee dimensions: 35 x 50 cm. related terms: tijdschriften weekbladen illustraties houthoudend papier period: 19e eeuw classification: D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst K: Maatschappelijke aspecten van boekproductie en -verspreiding E: Boekillustratie B: Schriftdragers, inkt contents: The "Geïllustreerde Courant" was a kind of family publication full of news and information and with a noticeable interest in royal houses. It was not very thick: between eight and ten pages but with many illustrations in the form of wood engravings. It was printed on the acid paper made from wood pulp on which so much 19th-century material was printed. Because of this the pages have become very fragile and they tear at the least careless handling. origineel: source: Geïllustreerde courant / red.: W.J.A. Jonckbloet. - 's-Gravenhage: K. Fuhri; Amsterdam: G.J.A. Beijerinck, nr. 1, 6 juli 1844, p. 4-5 available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 9116 B 13 ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek |