Search result 115 of 118
Two pages from "Prenten-magazijn voor de jeugd", 1841 Sandwijk, G. van (auteur/author) Broedelt, D. & Co. (uitgever/publisher) year: 1841 type: tekstbladzijde page technique: houtgravure detail: nee dimensions: 21 x 31,5 cm. related terms: tijdschriften illustraties kinderboeken leesgedrag period: 19e eeuw classification: D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst E: Boekillustratie contents: Two pages from a well-known 19th-century periodical for the young. This type of publication was published rather cheaply but the writer and the publisher hoped 'to prove conclusively, and at such a cheap price [...] that Dutch engraving and printing could compare with that from abroad'. The youth at the table, who preferred to read and study above all else, served as a role model for the ideal reader: 'O, FRANS! Dear FRANS! May many follow you and may you inspire many'. origineel: source: Sandwijk, G. van. - Prenten-magazijn voor de jeugd / door G. van Sandwijk ; met 120 houtsneê-gravures. - Purmerende: D. Broedelet & Co., 1841, niet gepagineerd available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 1087 E 11 - 1 ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek |