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Fourdrinier machine, early 20th century

Vlaanderen, André (illustrator)
Voorn, H. (auteur/author)
year: 1985

type: illustratie
detail: nee
dimensions: afmetingen onbekend
related terms: papiermaken papiermachines Fourdriniermachines
period: 20e eeuw
B: Schriftdragers, inkt

contents: This drawing of a Fourdrinier machine in operation at the beginning of the 20th century clearly shows into what massive colossuses these kinds of paper machines had developed. Fourdrinier machines (named after the brothers Henry and Sealy Fourdrinier, the designers), were made in England and very expensive. That was the reason why an attempt was also made to make them in the Netherlands, e.g. in Apeldoorn and Deventer. However, paper machines like these are no standard products: they are still made according to the wishes of the client.

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: VNP (Vereniging van Nederlandse Papier- en Kartonfabrieken), Hoofddorp


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