Search result 4 of 9
Bookbinders at work in D. de Bray, "Onderwijs van `t Boek-Binden", 1658 Bray, Dirk de (auteur/author) Bray, Dirk de (illustrator) year: 1658 type: tekening drawing detail: nee dimensions: 8,3 x 5,8 cm. related terms: boekbinden leermiddelen ribben leer period: 17e eeuw classification: F: Bindkunst contents: The bookbinder on the left is tying up a binding in a special finishing press, which means that he stretches cords tightly along the raised bands to reveal them better. The binder on the right is trimming the sides of the leather, i.e., thinning it on the side of the flesh. origineel: ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland Haarlem Archiefdienst voor Kennemerland |