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Reading room of the Peace Palace during the Second World War, The Hague, 1941 Naeff, Nico year: 1941 type: foto photograph detail: nee related terms: institutionele bibliotheken leeszalen lezen period: 20e eeuw classification: G: Boekhandel en uitgeverij contents: The first Peace Conference held in The Hague was in 1899. One of the results of the conference was the establishment of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Andrew Carnegie made a large sum of money available to this court in 1903 for the construction of the Peace Palace and the library whose collection would be focussed on international law. On 28 August 1913, the Peace Palace was taken into use and work on the library commenced. origineel: ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Nico Naeff / Nederlands Fotoarchief (www.nfa.nl) |