Search result 19 of 21
Public reading room and library in The Hague, 1948 year: 1948 type: foto photograph detail: nee dimensions: 23,5 x 17 cm. related terms: openbare bibliotheken leeszalen lezen period: 20e eeuw classification: J: Bibliotheken en instellingen contents: The periodicals and newspaper room of the public library in the Bilderdijkstraat in The Hague in 1948. Just after the war most public libraries still had to make do with their old collections and with a budget set in accordance with the national subsidy conditions of 1921. Only in 1948 was more government funding for libraries available. origineel: ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag, Nederlands Bibliotheek en Lektuur Centrum (NBLC) |