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Type specimen of J. Enschedé, Haarlem, 1768

Enschedé, J. (uitgever/publisher)
Laan, A. van der (illustrator)
year: 1768

type: titelblad
title page
detail: nee
dimensions: 22,5 x 13 cm.
related persons: Enschedé, Joannes Fleischman, Joan Michael Wetstein, Rudolf Wetstein, Hendrik Floris
related terms: letterproeven lettergieterijen lettersnijders titelpagina's
period: 18e eeuw
C: Paleografie, letterontwerp, lettertypen, lettergieten, schrift

contents: In the preface to this type specimen Joannes Enschedé relates in detail about the prior history of his type foundry in Haarlem, which started with the take-over of the Amsterdam business of Rudolf and Hendrik Floris Wetstein in 1743. He also sang the praises of his type cutter, the famous Joan Michael Fleischman, who cut many letters for Enschedé, incorporated in this type specimen. After Fleischman's death in 1768, Enschedé could take over all his material, more than 70 different alphabets and graphics.

source: Proef van letteren, welke gegooten worden in de nieuwe Haerlemsche lettergietery van J. Enschedé. 1768. - [Haarlem, J. Enschedé, 1768], titelblad
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 3107 B 27

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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