Search result 6 of 12
"Kunstkronijk", vol. 17, Leiden, 1875 Mesker, Th. (illustrator) Lankhout, S. (graveur/engraver) Sijthoff, A.W. (uitgever/publisher) year: 1876 type: illustratie illustration detail: nee dimensions: 25 x 19 (ill.) related terms: tijdschriften illustraties lithografie reclame period: 19e eeuw classification: D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst E: Boekillustratie contents: On the right is a lithograph after a rural scene by Th. Mesker, published in the "Kunstkronijk" of 1875. This magazine was not only prominent as regards new graphical techniques. It also made use of a canvassing campaign for subscribers that was considered aggressive for those days: every year a bonus print (usually a lithograph) was published and the receipt of the subscription was also a lottery ticket with which, a silver coffee and tea service, a seven-octave over-strung cottage piano, 25 oil paintings as well as dozens of teaspoons could be won. origineel: source: Kunstkronijk / uitgegeven ter aanmoediging en bevordering der schoone kunsten. - Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff, 17e jrg., 1876, p. 78 en t.o.p. 78 available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 358 E 37 ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek |