Search result 79 of 114

Survey of types used by Plantin in the 16th century

year: 1956

type: tekstbladzijde
detail: nee
dimensions: 35 x 47 cm.
related persons: Plantijn, Christoffel
related terms: letterproeven lettertypen lettersnijders
period: 16e eeuw
C: Paleografie, letterontwerp, lettertypen, lettergieten, schrift

contents: On the right of this survey is a list made on the occasion of an international conference on Plantin in 1955 with the names of the types, their makers and the dates on which they were made. The Museum Plantin-Moretus in Antwerp still keeps about 5,000 tools and 15,000 matrices for 80 different types. Types can still be made from them.

source: Carter, H. - "Plantin's types and their makers", in: De Gulden Passer, jg. 34, 1956, t.o. p. 121, achterkant
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag LHO AW.A 06b GUPA

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: Uitgever



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