Search result 113 of 114

Working drawing for the Lexicon, Bram de Does, 1989

Does, Bram de (letterontwerper/font designer)
year: 1989

type: tekening
detail: nee
dimensions: 25 x 37 cm.
related terms: lettertypen letterontwerpen
period: 20e eeuw
C: Paleografie, letterontwerp, lettertypen, lettergieten, schrift

contents: Working drawing for the Lexicon, drawn by hand, with comments in blue ink. This typeface was first used in 1992 in the "Groot woordenboek der Nederlandse taal / Van Dale". It was specifically developed to be able to read text in small type. The Lexicon, aimed at the new, computerised printing technology, was designed by Bram de Does, and produced in cooperation with Matthias Noordzij, associated with The Enschedé Font Foundry.

©description: Amsterdam Bibliotheek KVB Universiteitsbibliotheek UVA



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