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'Gedichten' (poems) by Hubert Korneliszoon Poot, Delft, 1726 Poot, Hubert Korneliszoon (auteur/author) Boitet, Reinier (drukker/printer) Bleyswyck, F. (illustrator) Bleyswyck, F. (graveur/engraver) year: 1726 type: titelblad prent title page print technique: kopergravure detail: nee dimensions: 25 x 19,5 cm related persons: Boitet, Reinier Poot, Hubert Korneliszoon related terms: dichtbundels formaten luxe uitgaven titelprenten titelpagina's period: 18e eeuw classification: D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst E: Boekillustratie M43: Taalwetenschap, letterkunde: andere Germaanse talen contents: Great poets deserve great editions. The Delft printer, Reinier Boitet, produced a showpiece of the works of his fellow citizen, Hubert Korneliszoon Poot. It was a luxury edition in 4to format, on large paper with very wide margins. This second edition, which appeared four years after the first, contains an engraved frontispiece (for which the copperplate of the first edition with the date of 1722 was used without any modification), a title page in two colours with a small copperplate which shows the laurelled poet, a dedication, a message to the reader of more than 40 pages from Poot himself, odes to Poot, his portrait with odes to it, illustrations to fill the pages which introduce the various sections and, finally, the poems themselves which are also accompanied by illustrations. origineel: source: Gedichten van Hubert Korneliszoon Poot. - Delft: Reinier Boitet, 1726, titelgravure en titelpagina available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 760 C 5 ©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek ©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek |