Search result 67 of 123

Page from a printed missal in which the chapter titles and headings are added by hand.

Snellaert, Christiaen (drukker/printer)
year: 1495

type: tekstbladzijde
detail: nee
related terms: rubriceringen kopregels hoofdstuktitels typografische vormgeving missalen incunabelen
period: 15e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

contents: In the course of the printing process, the printer of this missal decided to no longer add handwritten rubrics, as was usual in the period. On the first pages of the book, the chapter titles and headings are still handwritten.

source: Missale Leodiense. - Delft: [Christiaen Snellaert, 1495]. 5 recto
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 170 E 12

©reproduction: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek



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