Search result 82 of 123

Servus fidei (Willem Sandberg), "Lectura sub aqua", Amsterdam, 1943

Servus fidei [Willem Sandberg] (vormgever/designer)
Vijf Ponden Pers (uitgever/publisher)
year: 1943

type: tekstbladzijde
detail: nee
dimensions: 21 cm
related terms: typografische vormgeving
period: 20e eeuw
D: Geschiedenis van de boekdrukkunst

contents: In this small series Experimenta typographica , published during World War II by Willem Sandberg, the influence of the Dada movement is obvious, for instance in the attempt to design the text in such a way that the contents are also optically expressed.

source: Servus Fidei [Willem Sandberg]. - Lectura sub aqua : experimenta typografica / Servus Fidei [Experimenta typografica ; dl. 1], Amsterdam: Vijf Ponden Pers, 1943, [p. 17]
available in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Den Haag 347 H 151

©description: Den Haag Koninklijke Bibliotheek
©reproduction: uitgever


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