You have searched for %28NBC+all+%2289.91%2A%22%29 and (isPartOf any "REPCOL")
Search results nr. 1 to 7 of 7

1. J.E. Heeres [Jan Ernst] (1858-1932), koloniaal historicus.
present in: UBL
2. J.J.C. Enschedé [Jacobus Johannes Christiaan] (18??-1912), jurist.
present in: UBG
3. Indologische studiën.
present in: UBU
4. Zaken Overzee
present in: UBL
5. Collectie Bibliotheca Publica Latina
present in: UBL
6. A.J. Duymaer van Twist [Albertus Jacobus] (1809-1887), jurist.
present in: SAB
7. F.C. Gerretson [Frederik Carel] (1884-1958), historicus.
present in: UBU