You have searched for %28Plantijn%29+and+%28Christoffel%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 301 to 310 of 356

301. Sur quelques reliures de Christophe Plantin découvertes récemment
Colin, G. 1975
302. Séverin Cornet compositeur - maître de Chapelle (1530-1582): sa vie
Doorslaer, G. van 1925
303. Tentoonstelling Christoffel Plantijn
304. The bookbindings of William of Orange
La Fontaine Verwey, H. de 1984
305. The business organisation of the Plantin Press in the setting of sixteenth century Antwerp
Roover, R. de 1956
306. The earliest reception of the 'Ars emblematica' in Dutch: an investigation into preliminary matters
Porteman, K. 1990
307. The Hebrew production of the Plantin-Raphelengius presses in Leyden, 1585-1615
Fuks, L. Fuks-Mansfeld, R.G. 1970
308. The lost first editions of Gabriel Meurier's "Colloques ou nouvelle invention de propos familiers", printed by Plantin, 1556-7
Shaw, David J. 1999
309. The Melville Eastham gift of atlases
Legear, C.E. Ristow, W.W. 1937
310. The personality of Plantin
Voet, L. 1956