You have searched for %28series%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 11 to 20 of 234

11. An alphabet by Pieter Coecke van Aelst
Johnson, A.F. 1942
12. An Erasmus presentation copy
Woudhuysen, H.R. 1984
13. Annales de la typographie néerlandaise au XVe siècle
Campbell, M.F.A.G. 1874
14. An unrecorded book of hours, printed by Plantin with a (partly) unrecorded series of illustrations
Horst K van der 2007
15. A revised bibliography of Salmasius's "Defensio regia" and Milton's "Pro populo Anglicano defensio".
Madan, F.F. 1954
16. A short-title catalogue of books printed at Hoorn before 1701: a specimen of the STCN: with an English and Dutch introduction on the Short-Title Catalogue, Netherlands
Gruys, J.A. Wolf, Clemens de 1979
17. Atlas reeks 1949-1954, Atlas mystery reeks 1952-1954, Atlas Havank Reeks 1955, Atlas-trio-boeken [z.j.].
Aarts C J Netscher F A 2002
18. Belgica typographica 1541-1600: catalogus librorum impressorum ab anno MDXLI ad annum MDC in regionibus quae nunc Regni Belgarum partes sunt; I: Bibliotheca Regia Bruxellensis; II; III: Aliae Bibliothecae Regni Belgarum; IV: Indices
19. Benito Arias Montano 1527-1598: studie over een groep spiritualistische humanisten in Spanje en de Nederlanden, op grond van hun briefwisseling
Rekers, B. 1961
20. Bibliofiele reeks afgesloten met expositie: 25x Noord-Brabant in proza, poëzie en prent
Toorians, L. 1995