Search result 421 of 443
Was Colard Mansion de illustrator van "Le livre de la Ruyne des nobles hommes et femmes"? Boon, K.G. Nord, Max (authorIntroductionVolume) in: Amor librorum: bibliographic and other essays: a tribute to Abraham Horodisch on his sixtieth birthday = Amor librorum: studia bibliographica necnon alia miscellanea Abrahamo Horodisch sexagenario oblata Zürich: Safaho Foundation; Amsterdam: Erasmus Antiquariaat, 1958, p. 85-88, 4 p. pl., ill. keywords: incunabelen illustratoren Mansion, Colard België 15e eeuw classification: E: Boekillustratie signature: LHO AW.A 01 HOR |