You have searched for %28lettergieten%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 641 to 650 of 723

641. The Scheffers type: some observations on the Schoeffer/Quentell Augustin Romein no. 6 of Joh. Enschedé en Zonen Haarlem
Braches, Ernst 1990
642. The steadfast tin soldier of Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, Haarlem: Enschedé English-bodied Roman no. 6
Braches, Ernst 1992
643. The types of Christopher Plantin
Carter, Harry 1956
644. The types of François-Ambroise Didot and Pierre-Louis Vafflard: a further investigation into the origins of the Didones
Unger, G. 2001
645. The types of Jan van Krimpen; I-II
Tracy, Walter 1981
646. The types of Nicolas Kis
Lane, J.A. 1984
647. The type specimen of Jacques-François Rosart, Brussels 1768
648. The victims of progress: the Raphelengius Arabic type and Bedwell's Arabic lexicon
Hamilton, A. 1985
649. The work of Jan van Krimpen: a record in honour of his sixtieth birthday
Dreyfus, J. 1952
650. The writing-master Ambrosius Perling: in the twilight of a great tradition
Croiset van Uchelen, A.R.A. 1996