Search result 1304 of 3345
Dutch decorated bookbindings in the eighteenth century; I: General historical introduction, Noord Holland; IIA: Zuid Holland; IIB: Zeeland, Province of Utrecht, Friesland, Province of Groningen, Drente, Overijssel, Gelderland, Noord Brabant, Limburg, Place unknown orirrelevant, Bindings in exceptional materials; III: Catalogue of bindings in the Koninklijke Bibliotheek and the Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum, List of bindings in other collections, Overview of rubbings important for identification, Diagrams, Books referred to with abbreviatedtitles, Indexes Storm van Leeuwen Jan Forest-Flier, Nancy ... [et al.]. (translator) 't Goy-Houten: Hes & De Graaf, 2006. - 3 dln., 4 bdn. review: De gulden passer, 85 (2007), p. 200-203 - reviewer: Cockx Indestege E - signature: LHO AW.A 06b GUPA review: Quaerendo, 37 (2007), p. 162-173 - reviewer: Schrijen Jos - signature: LHO AW.A 06b QUAE keywords: boekbanden handboekbanden boekbinders boekbinderijen bindtechniek bandbekledingsmaterialen onderzoek bibliotheekcatalogi (vorm) handboeken (vorm) Den Haag, Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag, Museum van het Boek / Museum Meermanno Westreenianum Nederland 18e eeuw 21e eeuw classification: F: Bindkunst J: Bibliotheken en instellingen signature: 5217556-5217559 signature: BAND BKBD 52CB DC0004 |