You have searched for %28pamfletten%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 161 to 170 of 205

161. Pamphlets, printing and political culture in the early Dutch Republic
Harline, C.E. 1987
162. Peace or no peace?: the role of pamphleteering in public debate in the run-up to the twelve-year truce
Stensland, Monica 2011
163. Poison in print: pamphleteering and the deaths of Concini (1617) and the brothers De Witt (1672).
Stern, Jill 2011
164. Political pamphleteering and public opinion in the age of De Witt (1653-1672).
Bruin, Guido de 2011
165. Portret van een pamflettist: Adriaan van Bevervoorde
Jong, C.T. de 1955
166. Praktisch nut en de kracht van een symbool: socialistische brochures in Nederland
Bos Dennis 2006
167. Predikant, magistraat en drukwerk (Workum, 1648).
Kalma, J.J. 1979
168. Printed pandemonium: the power of the public and the market for popular political publications in the early modern Dutch Republic
Reinders, Michel 2008
169. 'Private vices, public virtues' revisited: the Dutch background of Bernard Mandeville
Dekker, Rudolf 1992
170. Propaganda voor de prins: kunst als propaganda, propaganda als kunst
Slechte, C.H. 1988