Search result 905 of 1045
The auction catalogue of the library of Hugh Goodyear, English reformed minister at Leiden Catalogi redivivi; 2 Bangs, J.D. (authorIntroduction) Utrecht: HES Publishers, 1985. - 19, [40] p. Fotomech. herdr. van: "Catalogus variorum librorum, praecipie theologicorum, maxime anglicorum & miscellaneorum, rever. & doctissimi viri, D. Hugonis Goodjeri ...". - Lugduni Batavorum: Ex officina Davidis Lopez de Haro, 1662 keywords: particuliere bibliotheken boekenveilingen Goodyear, Hugh Nederland 17e eeuw classification: H: Bibliofilie, particuliere collecties signature: LHO AW.A 05 GOO |