Search result 915 of 1045
The Crone library: books on the art of navigation left by Dr. Ernst Crone to the Scheepvaart Museum in 1975 and books on the same subject acquired by the museum previously [...]: a descriptive special catalogue with annotations, indexes and an introduction [...]. Bibliotheca bibliographica Neerlandica; 26 Peters, H.J.M.W. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf, 1989. - LX, 805 p., ill. review: The library, 6th series, 14 (1992) p. 70-72 - reviewer: Poole-Wilson, N. - signature: LHO AW.A 06b LIBR review: Annals of science, 48 (1992) p. 496 - reviewer: Turner, G.L.E. - signature: T 7601 review: The book collector, 40 (1991) p. 122-124 - reviewer: Adams T.R. - signature: LHO AW.A 06b BC keywords: particuliere bibliotheken cartografie musea bibliotheekcatalogi (vorm) Amsterdam, Scheepvaart Museum Crone, Ernst Nederland 20e eeuw classification: H: Bibliofilie, particuliere collecties J: Bibliotheken en instellingen M6: Toegepaste wetenschappen: geneeskunde, techniek signature: LHO OD.A 21 NL RO20 |