You have searched for %28printing%29+and+%28presses%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 21 to 30 of 252

21. Bibliography of the English language editions of the Halcyon Press of Alexander Stols
22. [Bibliophele series and clandestine publications]: H.N. Werkman, "Sabbatsgesänge".
Thomassen, K. 2010
23. [Bibliophile series and clandestine publications]: fine books during the Second World War
Faassen, Sjoerd van 2010
24. [Bibliophile series and clandestine publications]: the bibliophile series between the wars
Faassen, Sjoerd van 2010
25. Bibliotheca curiosa: a complete catalogue of all the publications of the Elzevier Presses at Leyden, Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht, with introduction, notes and an appendix, containing a list of all works, whether forgeries or anonymous publications, generally attributedto these presses
Goldschmidt, Ernst 1885
26. Bijzaken: vijf bibliofiele uitgaven van Hoofts poëzie, 1923-1979
Breugelmans, Ronald 1981
27. Bilder aus dem Leben eines Büchermachers
Wal, E. van der 1996
28. Boeken maken in het klein
Janssen, Frans A. 1978
29. Boeken maken in het klein
Janssen, Frans A. 1984
30. Boekenmaker uit hartstocht
Bulla, H.G. 1987