Search result 911 of 1135
Seventeenth-century Leyden law professors and their influence on the development of the civil law: a study of Bronchorst, Vinnius and Voet Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Letterkunde, N.R.; 90 Feenstra, R Waal, C.J.D. Amsterdam/Oxford: North-Holland, 1975. - 124 p., ill., [6] p. pl. Bevat: "Table of editions of the works of Bronchorst, Vinnius and Voet published outside the Netherlands" en "Index of publishers and printers [...]". keywords: rechtswetenschap internationale contacten bibliografieën Bronchorst, Everardus Vinnius, Arnoldus Voet, Johannes Nederland 17e eeuw classification: M3: Maatschappijwetenschappen signature: T 1497 [NR 90] |