You have searched for %28classification+all+%22M3%3A+Maatschappijwetenschappen%22%29 and (isPartOf any "DOCUBOEK")
Search results nr. 951 to 960 of 1135

951. The mysterious writing-master Clement Perret and his two copy-books
Croiset van Uchelen, A.R.A. 1987
952. The old library now: jurisprudential tendencies reflected in a collection of books
Pikkemaat, J.G.B. 2008
953. The old library of the Supreme Court of the Netherlands
954. Theophilina Lovaniensia: enkele opmerkingen over Viglius' edito princeps (1534) van Theophilus' "Paraphrasis" en over de polemiek tussen Petrus Nannius en Jacobus Curtius rond een Leuvense Theophilius-editie (1536).
Matheeussen, C. 1978
955. The outfolding of Nicholaus Kis Tótfalusi's program of popular education during his Netherlands years
Dukkon, A. 1986
956. Theo van Hoytema: 1863-1917
Heij, Jan Jaap 2011
957. The Peace Palace Library Centennial: the collection as a mirror of the historical development of international law, 1904-2004
Vervliet, Jeroen 2004
958. The printing of portraits and privileges: The "Handvesten ende Privilegien" published by Johannes Tongerloo, The Hague, 1663, and related works
Simoni, A.E.C. 1970
959. The schoolmaster Gerard de Vivre: some bio-bibliographical observations, with particular reference to the dialogue 'Vande Druckerije'.
Selm, Bert van 1977
960. Tien jaar kinderleeszaal en bibliotheekwezen in Nederland: 1912-1921
Gebhard, A.C. 1922