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Search results nr. 381 to 390 of 1753

381. La question des reliures de Plantin
Colin, G. Nixon, H.M. 1968
382. Ein Unikum aus der Niederländischen Reformationszeit: in der Universitätsbibliothek zu Uppsala
Colliander, E. 1921
383. Notes on some of the block-books of the Netherlands; I-II
Conway, W.M. 1883
384. Old-world printing and wood-cutting
Conway, W.M. 1884
385. The Plantin-Moretus museum
Conway, W.M. 1883
386. The woodcutters of the Netherlands; III: Gerard Leeu, the printer, 1477-1493
Conway, W.M. 1881
387. The woodcutters of the Netherlands; II: The second Utrecht woodcutter (1479-1484).
Conway, W.M. 1881
388. The woodcutters of the Netherlands in the fifteenth century; I: History of the woodcutters; II: Catalogue of the woodcuts; III: List of the books containing woodcuts
Conway, W.M. 1884
389. The woodcutters of the Netherlands; I: The first Louvain woodcutter (1475-1483).
Conway, W.M. 1881
390. The woodcutters of the Netherlands; IV: The second Gouda woodcutter, 1482-1484
Conway, W.M. 1881