Search result 144 of 148

catalogue: Catalogue des livres. [Cf. 1762-04-05 Hopf, ed. in 8°]. [The Hague]: [Hendrik Scheurleer Florisz & Hendrik Bakhuyzen], [1762]. 2°: [2] 236 [= 192] p. (Complete copy)

auctioneer: Scheurleer Florisz, Hendrik

auctioneer: Bakhuyzen, Hendrik

date auction: 1762-04-05
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 3264

Hopf, C.N.
Hopf, C.N.

microfiche: mf 5186-5187

signature original: The Hague, KB Verz. Cat. 15689 [ms. prices; buyers' names]