Search result 147 of 148

catalogue: Catalogus van eene zeer fraaye verzameling [...] boeken. [Meerman was a justice in the Court of Holland, Scherping was an official of the East India Company (VOC)]. [The Hague]: [Hendrik Bakhuyzen & Gerrit Backhuysen], [1795]. 8°: [4] 140 p.

auctioneer: Bakhuyzen, Hendrik

auctioneer: Backhuysen, Gerrit

date auction: 1795-10-05
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 681 3212

Meerman, P.
Scherping, Magnus Hermanus
Meerman, P. & Magnus Hermanus Scherping

microfiche: mf 1087-1089 5082

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 634 [partly with ms. prices; p. 139-140 are lacking]

signature original: The Hague, KB Verz. Cat. 4546 [the title page and p. 138-140 have been filmed]