Search result 44 of 94

catalogue: Catalogue d'une très belle collection de livres. [Cocq was a military man]. The Hague: Isaac Beauregard & Pierre Gosse junior & Nicolaas van Daalen, 1755. 8°: [4] 240 p.

auctioneer: Beauregard, Isaac

auctioneer: Gosse junior, Pierre

auctioneer: Daalen, Nicolaas van

date auction: 1755-06-23
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 3706

Cocq, L.
Cocq, L. & C.B.J.P.

microfiche: mf 5803-5805

signature original: Augsburg, UB I.1.8.289 [some ms. prices]