Search result 47 of 94

catalogue: Catalogue d'une magnifique collection de livres. [The name is derived from Kossmann 1937, who spells it out as Guenin on p. 17, as Gulnin on p. 87]. The Hague: Isaac Beauregard & Nicolaas van Daalen, 1770. 8°: [4] 303 p.

auctioneer: Daalen, Nicolaas van

auctioneer: Beauregard, Isaac

date auction: 1770-11-12
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 1570

Guenin, N.B.
anonymous = N.B. Guenin (or: Gulnin)

microfiche: mf 2680-2683

signature original: Paris, BN delta 4338