Search result 140 of 255

catalogue: Bibliotheca Hillensbergiana. [An Amsterdam lawyer]. Amsterdam: Hendrick Boom & widow Dirk (I) Boom, 1683. 4°: [4] 140 [3] p.

auctioneer: Boom, Hendrick

auctioneer: Boom, Dirk (I), widow

date auction: 1683-03-01
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 11 773 1068 2949

Hillensbergh, Dirk
Hillensbergh, Dirk

microfiche: mf 6-7 1222-1223 1779-1780 4545-4546

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 12 [lacks the title page and p. 39-42 (the title page of 1681-03-10 De Neyn has wrongly been added to this copy); filmed twice]

signature original: The Hague, KB Verz. Cat. 15706 [lacks p. 121-128, p. 134-135 have been filmed twice, lacks the appendix]

signature original: St. Petersburg, NL [partly with ms. prices and buyers' names and initials]