Search result 34 of 37

catalogue: Bibliotheca Duboisiana. [Du Bois was a French cardinal, Bignon was a French abbot]. The Hague: Johannes Swart & Pieter de Hondt, 1725. 8°. 4 parts in 3 vols. [12] 550 [2 blank] p. [8] 658 p. [8] 624 [2] 625-1045 [= 1086] p.

auctioneer: Swart, Johannes

auctioneer: Hondt, Pieter de

date auction: 1725-08-27
place: The Hague
identification: IDC-cat. 1166 (1-4)

Du Bois, Guillaume
Bignon, Jean-Paul
Du Bois, Guillaume & Jean-Paul Bignon

microfiche: mf 1969-1994

signature original: The Hague, MW 140 D 9-12 [ms. prices; the Ordo venditionis is lacking]