Search result 21 of 31

catalogue: Catalogvs variorum & insignium librorvm. [Snellius van Royen was a Leiden Professor of Mathematics]. Leiden: Bonaventura Elzevier & Abraham (I) Elzevier, 1629. 4°: [2] 94 p.

auctioneer: Elzevier, Bonaventura

auctioneer: Elzevier, Abraham (I)

date auction: 1629-03-06
place: Leiden
identification: IDC-cat. 1686

Snellius van Royen, Willebrord
Segeth, Thomas
Snellius van Royen, Willebrord & Thomas Segeth

microfiche: mf 2867

signature original: Paris, BN Q 2150 [last page damaged with some loss of text]