Search result 7 of 12

catalogue: Catalogus librorum. Amsterdam: [widow Daniel Elzevier], 1681. 12°: 492 22 [2 blank] 12 80 p.

auctioneer: Elzevier, Daniel, widow

date auction: 1681-08-04
place: Amsterdam
identification: IDC-cat. 851 956 2145A

Elzevier, Daniel
Elzevier, Daniel

microfiche: mf 1346-1353 1622-1627 3451-3452 [= 3451, 3451A-3451D, 3452]

signature original: Amsterdam, UBA OK 69-64:2 [bound after the 1681 Elzevier wholesale stock auction catalogue]

signature original: Amsterdam, BVBBB Nv 13a [in ms. on the title page: '4 augusti 1681 & s'; all pages after p. 492 are lacking]

signature original: Wroclaw, BU 374824 [bound as A-V12 X6, 2A12, a-c12 d4, 3A6]