Search result 29 of 36

catalogue: Catalogvs librorvm. [Van Diemen was a justice in the Court of Utrecht, Porquin was a squire of Moermont, Muller was an Emden Doctor of Medicine]. (Location: shop Lowijs (I) Elzevier.) Leiden: [Lowijs (I) Elzevier], 1613. 4°: [2] 65 p.

auctioneer: Elzevier, Lowijs (I)

date auction: 1613-05-29
place: Leiden
place: Utrecht
place: Emden
identification: IDC-cat. 2574

Diemen, Willem van
Porquin, Cesar
Muller, Johannes
Diemen, Willem van & Cesar Porquin & Johannes Muller

microfiche: mf 3980

signature original: Copenhagen, KB 79II 39 1:6 [p. 34-35 filmed thrice]